
Finally! No more chasing “program of the month” business fads! Get the confidence that comes with proven, real-world solutions from an alliance that has actual experience transforming world-class brands.
Small World Alliance is the experienced team of former Disney leaders led by founder Mark David Jones, which does what no other business consulting firm will do:
- reveal the strategic secrets of renowned world-class organizations
- train/help you tactically implement for the results you need
- actually demonstrate how to sustainably continue your transformation!
You’ve probably heard about our reputation as the “anti-consultants”. We’re proud of the huge difference between Small World Alliance and the typical (ineffective) consultant approach…

Bottom line: We quickly assess where you are and where you want to be, design a custom approach that bridges that gap quickly and affordably – using proven strategies and tactics used by the best companies in the world. And as we roll out your breakthrough, we develop your team so that you can sustain your improvements moving forward. We take your investment personally – and we always deliver.
That’s our promise – Guaranteed!
Our Services
- Corporate Renewal and Organizational Improvement
- Workshops
- Employee Engagement, Customer Service, Leadership, Operational Excellence
- Retreat & Meeting Development Sessions
- Off-site World Class Benchmarking MasterClass
- Strategic Growth Planning & Strategy Development
- Assessments Corporate Culture Transformation
- Creating Agile, Engaged Teams
- New Leader Transitions
- Design & Development (training & development courses)
- Train-the-Trainer (for internal workshop delivery)
- Executive Coaching
- Brand & Organizational Alignment
- Board/Executive Development
- Selection, Hiring, and Performance Management/Tools
- Orientation Program Development
- Coaching & Mentoring Systems
- Integrated Corporate Learning Systems
- Intercultural Globalization
- Project Management
The best way we can make a significant difference in this world is to help others make a significant difference in this world.
OUR CAUSE: To rid professionals like you of unnecessary wasted time, effort, and resources so you can consistently achieve world-class results (yes, it IS possible!)
OUR MISSION: My personal mission is to share the insights gained from my experience with Fortune 500 companies to help businesses like yours thrive – even in difficult times. In other words, real-world action, not just empty “consultant talk”. Proven strategies and tactical tools that really work – and are low/no cost. “If it doesn’t work in the real world, then we’re wasting our time.”
OUR TEAM’S SUPERPOWER? Real-World Organizational Transformation expertise based on Leadership Excellence, Employee Engagement, Customer Loyalty, and Innovative Operational Excellence. Bridging the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Faster, cheaper, and better than you expect. Period.
“The way your team guided (the leadership team) to our common ground so quickly was amazing. Now that our efforts are focused and aligned, we’re finally seeing progress on the integration effort.”

“Simply said, you accomplished what you promised…and more. I tell everyone about your ‘anti-consultants’…finally, a resource that gets real results.”

Our Sales VP calls you ‘our bonus makers’…and we want you at our senior leadership strategy session for next year.”

“Less than a year after implementing the (new hiring process), our turnover within the first 90 days has been cut in half. We’re already seeing a noticeable increase in morale and employee engagement!”results! We couldn’t be more thrilled.”

“The executives are now working together better than we have in ten years.”

“Every other experience was the same: bring in a consultant who talks a lot, tries to change everything, and accomplishes little. Small World (Alliance) was a real eye-opener. Not only did your team listen, but you were able to take our existing initiative and quickly improve it so our workforce was jazzed again (for) the first time in years!” promise.”

“If I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t have believed it! Your team made more sense out of our knot of problems in a week than we had been able to accomplish in a year. Fantastic results! We couldn’t be more thrilled.”

“We’ve finished our first round of improvements and (the task force teams) are readying for the next wave of (improvement) sessions. Not only is our associate team on board, but we’re already getting comments from our customers about their higher satisfaction levels.”

“I’m thrilled to say that it’s been 2 years and the results keep improving year after year. I was actually able to invest some of this year’s budget to some strategic projects I’ve been waiting on for 8 years!”

“A quick status report: turnover has continued to fall (down 57% in 3 years) since your initiative (and) productivity continues to rise at close to 12% annually – even in this (down) market! We owe it all to your team’s amazing ability to walk with us every step of the way. I can’t thank you enough!”